
Bad sleep habits can cause obesity, poor diet in kids

Bad sleep habits can cause obesity, poor diet in kids

Experts say children ages 6 to 12 should regularly sleep between nine to 12 hours for peak health, while teens aged 13 to 18 should get between eight to 10 hours of sleep. Photo by Tyler Olson/Shutterstock Nov. 13 (UPI) — When kids don’t get enough sleep it could set them up to have unhealthy lifestyles as they get older. Children ages 6 to 12 should regularly sleep between nine to 12 hours for peak health, while teens aged 13 to 18 should get between eight to 10 hours of sleep, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine […]

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Written by TheBuzr

Poor diet, obesity and too much screen time are affecting children's sleep

Poor diet, obesity and too much screen time are affecting children’s sleep

'Less sleep may lead to poor diet, obesity in kids'

‘Less sleep may lead to poor diet, obesity in kids’