
It sounds too good to be true, but after years of training top bosses, two experts have devised a diet that claims it’ll make you slim and rich

It sounds too good to be true, but after years of training top bosses, two experts have devised a diet that claims it'll make you slim and rich

We all know the arguments for sorting out our diet, and squeezing in some exercise: better sleep, more energy, a better body, and a healthier, longer life. But did you know that getting healthier could also make you wealthier too? As experts in anti-ageing and longevity — one of us, Tim, is a fitness guru, author and former C4 broadcaster; the other, Anne, is a health campaigner and London health club owner — we’ve spent years researching the link between diet and wealth. We’ve discovered numerous studies, which show weight and looks can effect career advancement, income and ‘job […]

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Written by TheBuzr

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