
Poor diet, obesity and too much screen time are affecting children’s sleep

A new study has found that children and teens may be missing out on sleep due to a combination of unhealthy foods, not enough exercise, and too much screen time. Carried out by researchers at Harokopio University, Greece, and Rutgers University, USA, the new large-scale study looked at 177,091 Greek children age 8 to 17 years and assessed their dietary habits, hours spent sleeping, physical activity status, and sedentary activities. The team also measured the children’s physical fitness levels and recorded their height, weight, and waist circumference and body mass index (BMI). The findings, published in the Journal of […]

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Written by TheBuzr

Make the Best of Fitness Challenge with Proper Diet

Make the Best of Fitness Challenge with Proper Diet

Obesity, Poor Diet Associated with Insufficient Sleep in Children

Obesity, Poor Diet Associated with Insufficient Sleep in Children